Civil Litigation in Watertown, WI
Small Claims Attorneys in Watertown & Lake Mills, WI
Sometimes there is no other option to resolve a dispute than to result to the court system. Civil litigation refers to the use of the court system to enforce or defend an individual’s or organization’s rights. The dispute being litigated can be related to essentially any legal issue, including business, real estate, contract disputes, construction, estate disputes, injunctions, torts, insurance, employment, consumer rights, fraud, and countless other issues.

The attorneys of Neuberger, Griggs, Sweet & Froehle, LLP recognize that litigation is a serious undertaking. That is why they always act as problem solvers to attempt to effectively and efficiently achieve our client’s goal. This means our attorneys will tirelessly pursue resolution during the entire process through negotiation, dispute resolution, and pretrial motions. Nevertheless, if pre-trial resolution of the matter is not possible, our attorneys are dynamic courtroom opponents.
Our trial attorneys provide a full range of civil litigation services, including the following:
- Alternative dispute resolution, including arbitration and mediation
- Business issues
- Contractual disputes
- Real estate disputes, including adverse possession and boundary disputes
- Insurance issues
- Construction issues
- Probate/estate disputes, including will contests
- Injunctions, including restraining orders
- Torts and personal injury
- Employment and labor issues
- Consumer rights
- Landlord/tenant matters, including evictions
- Misrepresentations and fraud
- Elder abuse issues
- Corporate control and rights
- Creditor/Debtor rights, including collections and foreclosure
- Small claims
- Other civil litigation issues